Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Good Ol’ (Caffeinated) U.S. of A.

I am never drinking coffee after 5 PM again.

Here’s the back story: Yesterday, we went to an U.S. Embassy meet-and-greet event at Lakeview (the nice hotel in the area where we went for my birthday dinner). The U.S. ambassador to Kampala was there, along with some people from USAID, which was great for Lauren and me since we may take a trip to Kampala to meet with the USAID office for future project plans. About 20 people turned out--9 of which were, well, us. Nevertheless, it was a great opportunity to meet other Americans in the area, which is always fun. Also, no one questioned my American citizenship... amazing!

At the event, they served some light refreshments--samosas, cookies, tea (and African tea), and coffee. Nearly all coffee here tends to be instant, so I pounced at the chance to drink some "real" coffee. Besides, I was exhausted by the end of the day and had already been nodding off in the van. So I happily drank two cups of coffee and felt great.

I should have known something was off when I stayed up for the entire Germany-Spain World Cup game, instead of going to bed at halftime. I was still feeling good after the game, but since Lauren and I had plans to run in the morning, I decided to go to bed. Well, that didn’t happen. I tossed and turned until 4 A.M. Running didn’t happen this morning, so I think I'm about to go run in a little bit!

Like I said... never drinking coffee again after 5 PM.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness that happened to me this week, and i hadnt even had caffeine. it was the worst. i rarely toss and turn, and it was horrible. ps. i stopped drinking soda in february. cold turkey. no more coke products, etc. no diet coke at all. isnt't that crazy? remember 715 am handbells? we were all obsessed.
