Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Queen Elizabeth Nat'l Park: Pictures

[Our two safari vehicles. I was in the green one for the night drive and the tan one for the sunrise drive.]

[Some of the doubles at Kingfisher Lodge... such a charming place to stay. Photo courtesy of Claire.]

[The walkway and view leading down to our triple room. Photo courtesy of Claire.]

[The sophomore girls on the balcony of their double rooms. So cute! Photo courtesy of Claire.]

[Claire, me, and Lauren in front of the view overlooking the park.]

[Inside our triple. The two "non-loft" beds.]

[More from inside our room. The ladder leading up to the "loft" (poor Claire), the bathroom door, and our small table.]

[We encountered baboons on the way to our night drive! There was a group of them just chilling on the side of the road... pretty cool.]

[Queen Elizabeth's gorge. I would love to come back one day and go chimp-tracking there; apparently, it's one of the better places to go tracking, with a fairly high chance of seeing chimps.]

[Pictures from our night drive...]

[We saw lions! No males, though; only lionesses. The first one we saw was just chilling in a tree, and then we saw a few in the grass. This one only began moving because another safari vehicle (not one of our cars) drove up on the plain after them. A BIG no-no, and a violation that carries a $150 USD fine if caught. These rules are in place for a reason...]

[Me, Heidi, and Claire in the backseat of the safari vehicle during the sunrise drive.]

[Elephant crossing during the sunrise drive. We were so close!]

[... Except we got a little bit too close here. The elephant in front turned back and began stomping to warn us off.]

[Beautiful waterbucks.]

[Claire and me at the hotel on QE park premises. Another GORGEOUS view.]

[While we had coffee at the QE hotel, a little birdie came down to say hi to us!]

[Elephants on the boat ride. We also saw buffaloes, hippos, and alligators, but I'm personally partial to elephants, hence all the pictures. I'm totally rediscovering my love for elephants on this trip.]

[More elephants at a watering hole.]

[More elephants. Look at the little one! Soooo cute.]

[Claire and me before the boat ride.]

[Sitting on the balcony of our triple. QE is beautiful! Photo courtesy of Claire.]

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