Saturday, June 12, 2010

First Taste of Uganda

June 10, 2010

My first Ugandan meal was lunch at a restaurant in Kampala. (The hardboiled eggs, pineapple, and banana I ate for breakfast at the guest house don’t count.)

There were actually no menus, and seeing as it was our first meal, my table of girls had no idea what to do. Thankfully, Dr. Mugerwa arrived to sit with us and explained the basics. The waiter listed off what the restaurant served at our request and because this was unfamiliar territory, but I think most Ugandans probably knew how to order without needing the waiter’s help. We all wanted a safe first meal and weren’t too adventurous, so everyone got a variation of rice, chapati (quite similar to naan), and either beans or chicken.

I went with the chicken, and it arrived in a banana leaf bowl with lots of juices and the meat still on the bones. In addition to rice and chapati, we were also served matooke, Irish (or potatoes), and greens (I’m not sure what specifically).

The matooke was actually more bland than I expected, but the food was quite delicious overall. Chapati is quickly becoming a favorite among us girls!


  1. That food looks great! It must be great to be able to sample such amazing food from a different culture. I'm really jealous Tina, the take-out back here sucks, lol.

  2. Yeah, the food is not bad, but we have literally had rice and beans as our staples every single day since day 1! Lots of pineapple though, which makes me happy.
